Solutions built for you
free Plan
$0.00per tax year
- AccountsUnlimited
- TransactionsUp to 50
- P&L EvaluationUnlimited
- Tax Liability ReportingComprehensive
- Analytics ToolingLimited
basic Plan
$NaNper tax year
- AccountsUnlimited
- TransactionsUp to 250
- P&L EvaluationUnlimited
- Tax Liability ReportingComprehensive
- Analytics ToolingUnlimited
core Plan
$NaNper tax year
- AccountsUnlimited
- TransactionsUp to 2,500
- P&L EvaluationUnlimited
- Tax Liability ReportingComprehensive
- Analytics ToolingUnlimited
pro Plan
$NaNper tax year
- AccountsUnlimited
- TransactionsUp to 10,000
- P&L EvaluationUnlimited
- Tax Liability ReportingComprehensive
- Analytics ToolingUnlimited

Enterprise Solutions built for Accountants
Cartera offers a framework for accountants and accounting firms, allowing for multi-account control and accountant organization.
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Built for an evolving crypto world. Simplify your crypto tax experience and save countless hours with Cartera.
© Cartera Financial, Inc.